Michael Kastama is known famously around University of Washington as the “barefoot guy,” walking around campus without any footwear. Kastama grew up barefoot, and currently is an avid runner who runs barefoot. He says “forgoing shoes helped his flatfoot and made him faster.” Modern research about barefoot running is inconclusive, but there have been theories that suggest that going barefoot could “mellow the spike in force on a runner’s foot and reduc[e] pressure on a runner’s knees.”
Barefoot running has its own share of benefits and disadvantages. If you have any concerns about your feet or ankles, consult with Dr. Moshe Hillel of Advanced Foot Care, NY. Our doctorwill assist you with all of your podiatric concerns.
Barefoot Running
The Impact of Barefoot Running
-Running without shoes changes the motion of your running, as most running is done by landing on the heel of the feet.
-Running barefoot requires a different way of running; the landing is done on the front part of the feet.
The Advantages of Barefoot Running
-When running and landing on the front feet, the impact on the feet and ankle is reduced, this can reduce stress injuries.
-It strengthens muscles in the feet and ankles and the lower legs.
-Balance of the body is improved and there is a greater sensory input from the feet to the rest of the body.
The Drawbacks of Barefoot Running
-No protection while running, makes it likely that runners will land on sharp objects and scrapes, bruises and cuts on the feet will result.
-Blisters may form.
-Possibility of plantar fascia problems.
-Risk of getting Achilles tendonitis.
So what can runners do to make barefoot running safe? It’s best to make a slow transition from running shoes to barefoot running. Once the feet begin to adjust, try walking, then jogging and gradually increasing the distance. Minimalist running shoes may also be an option.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Brooklyn, NY. We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.